Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Dealing with Friendships and Loneliness

"Hi Jeemun, would you do a YouTube video or blogpost on friendships and loneliness? I know that I, and many others would be interested. X"

Thank you for writing in! I've made a video and a vlog post for ya!

In life we have ups and downs, and loneliness is something that everyone goes through at some point in their life.

The first thing I would say, is you have to understand the feeling of loneliness itself.

One way I feel helps me cope with loneliness is the idea of keeping yourself busy and focusing on yourself, it’s always easier said than done but once you begin that mental process it becomes a lot easier.

For example supposing you had a friend or partner that you recently fell out with and stopped speaking to. 
The lonely feeling usually kicks in because you had made that person your be all and end all, at some point in your life you relied on them to bring you up from a bad situation, or they would be the person that would usually take your mind off of something. Meaning that once they are gone you suddenly have this void, like there now isn’t anyone to confide in or provide that escape for you.

It can be such a harsh reality and I get that, but everything is a process.

Over the years I’ve learnt to be comfortable in my own space but it was such a hard process that I look back on and am so grateful to have gone through, learning to be ok with being in your own space starts from learning about yourself, who are you really? 

I had spent many years always being someones girlfriend and pleasing that person, so when they left my life I was having such a hard time being comfortable and understanding who I even was, So when that feeling of loneliness crept in it felt horrible, and I would sit there and think what could I be doing instead of feeling like this and I started to fill up that time with leaving the house and going to the gym, I love fitness, I picked up skating I made loads of new friends to skate with every Tuesday and Thursday. 
You have to fill up that void with finding something positive to do, before you know it a week has passed then a month and it’s just automatic, you don’t tend to have that empty feeling anymore because your mind is craving that fun activity again.

Picture it this way, imagine that person walked back into your life, but because you are so self sufficient you realize you don’t actually NEED that person, you don’t really NEED anyone, it’s much better to want someone in your life, you tend to be in a better state of mind when you choose to make time for someone, rather than be so heavily immersed in that person you aren’t living your own life. 
It’s also much more attractive for you to be a career driven person who is very sure of themselves, you know what you like and don’t like, you know what you will or will not tolerate from another person. And you know how you want another person to make you feel. People should be an asset to your life not a hindrance.

Friendship wise
You have to adopt the mentality (as harsh as it sounds) that people come and go out of your life and they will forever, with that being said you have to be careful who you put your trust in and who you invest your time into, people will hurt you but it’s who is worth being hurt for?

Have friends around you that can feed your creative mind, I love when I have an idea and can pitch it to a friend and they help get me excited about it and can even pitch in ideas to help make it better! What more could you ask for? 

How I personally cope with life
I find personally that I need stability in my life, my parents are a stable figure and I confide in my mum with a lot of my personal struggles and I turn to my dad a lot for advice and to be honest my parents are the only people that can actually have me crying of laughter they know exactly how to make me laugh they really are my best friends, I'm lucky in the sense that I have them and I am very grateful as I know not everyone has this. It's taken a lot of growing up and learning who my parents are as people that have helped me in terms of getting along with them and actually forming a relationship.

If you have a friend that’s done you wrong in the past just forgive them believe me life is too short, and you don’t need to be going through life carrying that burden because you actually are..whether you are willing to accept that or not, you will be better off for it, trust me, I had a friend that got busy with my dude that I was madly in love with, It took me two years but I became a born again Christian and forgave her. Once that was done I now find that nothing from anyone bothers me the same way. I don’t hold grudges I’m a very live in the moment kind of person, I take everything for what it is and move on.

Moving on
You can meet people in the most random of circumstances I met someone at the police pound the other day, fancy bonding with someone in such a situation! But I believe God wouldn’t let me go through something without the intention of having me grow through it

The best way to combat the feeling of loneliness
is becoming self sufficient. - Jee

Thank you for reading
God Bless

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